Systemic change

Corpus Christi – Got the Picture … Get the Message?

Corpus Christi – You got the picture but did you get the message?

Eucharistic Underpinnings of Systemic Change

Our ability to go and do likewise in imitation of Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet is the “criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged.”

From Awed Followers to Courageous Missioners – Getting Practical

On Pentecost, they received the gift of God’s Spirit and they realized they had a mission to accomplish. Pentecost changed them… but not fully. As we have seen in the readings of the Acts of the Apostles they still had a lot to learn about their mission.

Can We Recover Some “Forgotten truths” About St. Vincent?

Some forgotten truths about Vincent and first steps in reclaiming.

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