Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Contemplation: The Challenge of Modern Times

This post originally appeared on Blessed Frédéric and his friends founded the Society in 1833 in answer to a challenge posed to them by another group of students in a discussion group called the Conference of History. The other students, adherents to San...

From Darkness to Dawn: Britt’s Journey to Recovery and Renewal

After overcoming a tumultuous past of abuse, addiction, and homelessness, Britt has found new purpose and stability through supportive housing and personal transformation.

Contemplation: To Discern, Not to Decide

This post originally appeared on In the Society of St Vincent de Paul, “all decisions are made by consensus after the necessary prayer, reflection and consultation.” [Rule, Part I, 3.10] In other words, we don’t simply vote the minority “off the island,”...

Homily: Making ourselves “radically available” to others (Video)

An interesting homily by Bishop Donald J. Hying, the former National Episcopal Advisor to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul USA.