
“The Letter”: a Message for our Earth

The Letter is a powerful documentary released on October 4th 2022 exploring more about the principles of Laudato Si’ and the escalating impact of climate change on communities around the world.

Blessing of the International Vincentian Marian Youth Offices

The new offices of the International Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) and National Councils were blessed by Father Gregorio Bañaga, CM, the new Vicar-General of the Congregation of the Mission.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and Caritas’ joint effort to build 300 houses in Nepal

The devastating earthquakes that struck Nepal in 2015 left 8,844 confirmed deaths, more than 20,000 injured, 600,000 houses fully destroyed, and more than 280,000 houses partially damaged.

President General of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Publishes Last Circular Letter of his Mandate

The President General speaks of the importance of succession at the Council General and offers some advice to the Vincentians.