
Give Voice To Girls

Testimonies from local agencies gave voice to young girls dreams but also enabled them to speak about their fears and difficulties.

Interview with Mrs. Alicia Duhne, International President of AIC

Here we interview Mrs. Alicia Duhne, International President of the International Association of Charities (AIC).

FAVILA, the Vincentian Family Council of Latin America, Presents Work Plan for 2019-2021

As FAVILA Council, we seek to find common routes to respond as Vincentian Family and strengthen prophetic solidarity networks, applying Systemic Change and Collaboration.

Street Ministry: Matthew 25 Program (Maputo-Mozambique)

he Matthew 25 Program is an activity of the Catholic Church in which she maintains her Christian-Catholic identity while offering support to those who are most poor and/or abandoned.

Animated guide to American football

Animated guide to American football writes... "If the most important parts to your Super Bowl festivities include the half-time show, commercials and finger foods, you may want a little football refresher so you can enjoy the game to the fullest extent. Luckily, we now have an all-inclusive...

Fr. Pat Griffin, CM steps down

Fr. Pat Griffin, CM steps down

Fr. Patrick Griffin to step down as Director-General of the Daughters of Charity             Fr. G. Gregory Gay, C.M. Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity, announced that, due to health concerns, Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, C.M....

Pope Francis on state of the world

Pope Francis on state of the world

"It is now a long-established tradition that at the beginning of each new year the Pope meets the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See to offer his greetings and good wishes, and to share some reflections close to his heart as a pastor concerned for the joys...

Know the date of your Baptism?

Know the date of your Baptism?

 Do you know the date of your baptism? This was a question he asked as he began a new series of catecheses on the Sacraments in St. Peter’s Square, focusing today on the Sacrament of Baptism according to Zenit... “Baptism is the sacrament in which our faith is founded...

Verbal difference between Francis and Benedict

Verbal difference between Francis and Benedict

According to the Huffington Post...Data journalist Chris Walker conducted a word frequency analysis on the first hundred speeches of Pope Francis and Pope Benedict to get a visual representation of their priorities. Francis clearly emphasized poverty and poor far...

Pope asks permission for a Bishop

Francis named Bishop Nunzio Galantino the new secretary of the Italian bishops' conference while allowing him to serve part-time while remaining in his diocese. John Allen writes in a column in the National Catholic Reporter.... "A typical Francis footnote is that he...

The Francis list of resolutions

The Philippine blog Rappler compiles 10 of the Pope's most memorable quotes in the form of New Year's resolutions. This is the Pope Francis list. 1. Don't gossip. 2. Finish your meals. 3. Make time for others. 4. Choose the 'more humble' purchase. 5. Meet the poor 'in...

Francis – Fraternity and Peace

“In this, my first Message for the World Day of Peace, I wish to offer to everyone, individuals and peoples, my best wishes for a life filled with joy and hope. In the heart of every man and woman is the desire for a full life, including that irrepressible longing for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced.”