
Interview with Brother Marco Albani, General Superior of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy

We continue this series of posts to deepen our knowledge of the many Vincentian Branches. Here we interview Brother Marco Albani, General Superior of the Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy.

The Street Children of Kumasi, Ghana

This Street Children Project (SCP) was founded by the Catholic Archdiocese of Kumasi in Ghana in 2005 to address the problem of children living on the streets.

Celebration in Honor of St. Vincent de Paul (Guatemala)

Overview of a Vincentian Family Celebration in Honor of St. Vincent de Paul held in Guatemala on September 21, 2019.

El Salvador Sisters See Hope, Work for Change in a Still-Violent Society

“This is a peace center using the arts to heal us from the war, and the violence that persists here in El Salvador and all over the world,”

Pope Francis – “The tiredness of priests”

With tenderness he says to priests ... "The tiredness of priests! Do you know how often I think about this weariness which all of you experience? I think about it and I pray about it, often, especially when I am tired myself. I pray for you as you labour amid the...

Holy Week Meyers-Briggs and the Saints

Holy Week Meyers-Briggs and the Saints

If your personality were matched to one of the Christian church saints, which one would it be? Now you can use the popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to match your personal church style. Beneath the humor you might just think about how you celebrate Holy Week. Image...