
From Lebanon to Rwanda – In Solidarity with Refugees

With the meeting the Famvin Rwanda committee we hope, with God’s grace, that good plans will be made to shelter more homeless people.

Daughters of Charity Street Children Project in Ghana

The Daughters of Charity Program for Street Children in Kumasi, Ghana advocates on behalf of children who are victims of human trafficking.

New Biography of Saint Vincent de Paul

Father Luigi Mezzadri, CM speaks with us about his most recent book…Saint Vincent de Paul: Life, Charism and Charity.

Goodbye UN – Thank You, Famvin!

I will be leaving the UN on February 14, 2020 when the negotiations of the UN resolution on homelessness will hopefully be pretty much finished.

The Little Big Woman

The Little Big Woman

There are innumerable women who shaped our history, those who with their words, their silences, their strength or their sensibilities were showing us the maternal face of God.