
The Pope Video • Catholics in China

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Catholics in China.

Pope Meets With Catholic NGO Representatives In Rome

Catholic nongovernmental organization representatives met with Pope Francis, December 7, during the IV World Forum of Catholic-inspired NGOs in Rome.

CVV Pilgrimage to the Border

Each year Colorado Vincentian Volunteers makes a pilgrimage to the Border between Mexico and the United States. Here are two of this year’s reflections.

Special Vincentian Catechesis in Mexico

The Special Vincentian Catechesis began with a small group in 2004 as a response to prepare people with disabilities for the reception of the sacraments.

Charity’s Saint as seen from Indonesia

Charity’s Saint as seen from Indonesia Charity's Saint as seen from Indonesia. Who was this man who did so much? A clever juxtaposition of scenes from the classic award winning movie Monsieur Vincent with a presentation in English by Fr. Antonius Sadbudiatno, CM....

VFCAP Venezuela

VFCAP Venezuela

From VFCAP representative Remberth Falla: Around 80 Vincentian Family members from the eastern part of Venezuela are together to participate in the Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program (VFCAP). The program is going forward with joy and enthusiasm. We're all...

Pope’s speeches Washington and New York…

Pope’s speeches Washington and New York…

Pope’s speeches Washington and New York courtesy of the Vatican website. New York 25 - 9 - 2015 Apostolic Journey: Holy Mass Apostolic Journey: Visit to "Our Lady, Queen of the Angels" School and meeting with children and immigrant families Apostolic Journey:...

Pope Francis speaks to Congress

Pope Francis speaks to Congress VISIT TO THE JOINT SESSION OF THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS ADDRESS OF THE HOLY FATHER United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. Thursday, 24 September 2015 [Multimedia] Mr. Vice-President, Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members of Congress, Dear...

Culture of encounter and Vincentians

Culture of encounter and Vincentians

Culture of encounter and Vincentians - In his address to the Bishops of the United States Pope Francis said "we are promoters of the culture of encounter. We are living sacraments of the embrace between God’s riches and our poverty. We are witnesses of the abasement...

The Daughters of Charity in Cuba

The Daughters of Charity in Cuba

Remove the sandals from your feet because you are on holy ground…  The Daughters of Charity in Cuba [This article and picture were first published on the website of the Daughters of Charity from the Central American Province.  The Pope’s response is taken directly...

Obama honors both Pope and Elizabeth Seton

Obama honors both Pope and Elizabeth Seton

President Obama presents Pope Francis with key to the home of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Presented in a case crafted specifically for the occasion, the key honors both His Holiness Pope Francis, and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. “This gift is a fitting tribute,” said Rob...