
Once Upon a Time

The four most powerful words in the English language.  Because everyone loves a good story.

The Image of Saint Vincent de Paul, at Portugal’s Shrine of Fatima

One of the images making up the architectural complex surrounding the basilica at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine (Portugal) is that of Saint Vincent de Paul

SSVP Prospects for 2021: A Year that is Worth Two

We do have faith and hope in brighter days, with “charity, courage and prudence,” as St. Vincent taught us. Hence, despite all that we have gone through, we can say that 2021 seems to be a promising year.

SVDP USA Is Hiring

The National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul is hiring an Associate Director of Poverty Programs / Director of Immersion Program.

School Improvement in India

School Improvement in India

Our North and South Indian Provinces are taking to heart St. Vincent’s concept of the “poor being our masters,” in a new project involving almost all of their schools. Between them, the two provinces have started and operate 32 schools with almost 24,000 students (K...