
July 4: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s International Youth Day

This year, the theme of the SSVP’s International Youth Day is “Young Vincentians celebrating the joy of service through social friendship,” inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti.

SSVP President General Launches his Fifth Book of Spiritual Readings

Crónicas vicentinas 5 (The Vincentian Chronicles 5), written by brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, has just been published. The fifth book of this series is only available in Portuguese.

Interview with Mark McGreevy OBE, Depaul Group CEO

Enjoy this interview with Mark McGreevy, CEO of Depaul Group

The “Friends of Saint Vincent de Paul Project” (Rwanda)

Name of Project: The project is known as “Amis de St Vincent de Paul” which in English is translated “Friends of Saint Vincent de Paul.” Objective: At first the project was directed toward children living on the street and thus, was intended to provide them with an...