
Sister Brenda Hermann, MSBT MSW joins the Vincentian Family Office Team in Philadelphia, PA

Sr. Brenda, a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity,is joining the VFO Team in Philadelphia, PA.

Vincent’s Song (You Did It to Me), by Gen Verde

The feast of St. Vincent de Paul is approaching, and on this occasion we remember the beautiful song that the Italian group Gen Verde gave to the entire Vincentian Family last year.

Virtual Meeting of Vincentian Leaders

On September 16-17, the Vincentian Family’s International Executive Committee held a special two-hour virtual formation session for the leaders of the various branches of the Family.

Postponed: FHA Refugee Conference

After careful consideration, the FHA Team has decided to postpone the Conference to Spring 2022.

Second Annual SVDP National Young Adult Service Day

Second Annual SVDP National Young Adult Service Day

What's that you say? You need a way to engage Young Adults in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in your community? Look no further - check out the 2nd Annual SVdP National Young Adult Service Day on Saturday, April 21! Held within the same time-frame in different...

Education for Formators in Paraguay

Education for Formators in Paraguay

 A Session for Formators was held from January 7 – 30 in Asunción (Paraguay). Several Daughters of Charity from South America attended the meeting. Starting from their own experience and group exchange, it was a space where they are trained to be able to give updated...