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World Day of the Poor: November 19, 2017

On June 13, Pope Francis officially launched the "World Day of the Poor" which will take place November 19, 2017 and every year thereafter on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary time. In a National Catholic Reporter article, Vatican correspondent Joshua McElwee shares the...

The Pope Video: Eliminate Arms Trade

Eliminate Arms Trade, which is part of "The Pope Video" series promoted by the Vatican, was released Friday, June 2. Let’s put an end to the arms trade. We can do this. And it’s urgent that we do it. The world does not need merchants of death who get rich on...

The Pope Video: Christians in Africa

Christians in Africa, which is part of "The Pope Video" series promoted by the Vatican, was released Thursday, May 4. That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace. Africa is a continent...

Mercy2Earth Weekend

Brian Roewe from the National Catholic Reporter Writes: A coincidence of calendars this weekend presents for Catholics an uncommon occurrence, where Earth Day precedes Divine Mercy Sunday, an alignment of dates that has inspired some to use it as an occasion to live...
Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

“Jesus wasn’t a professor, a teacher or a mystic who kept away from people as He spoke from afar. No, he was among the people. He would let people touch Him and ask Him questions. That’s how Jesus is. He is close to the people.”

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Once again the Pope leads the way. Imagine young people from around the world  - 20 minute video chat with Pope! Rome Reports ... "It wasn't a regular videochat. Pope Francis simultaneously talked to young people from five continents, all connected at once, thanks to...

Pope Francis in his own words

Pope Francis in his own words

Vatican Insider ANDREA TORNIELLI offers this collection of Pope Francis words on the flight home speaking to journalists off the cuff for an hour despite his exhausting trip. See a collection of his other reports for La Stampa Abuse against minors “At the moment there...