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Covenant that Is Better, New, Holy, Eternal

Jesus gives his body up and sheds his blood for us. He thus gives the greatest proof of love and is now the mediator of the new and better covenant. Jesus tells his disciples that the bread he is about to give them is his body. He, then, says also that the wine they...

Firewood for the Soul: The Unexpected Encounter

A weekly reflection for all the Vincentian Family, from Australia.

The Small Graces We Receive from God • A Weekly Reflection with Ozanam

We are not sufficiently grateful for God's little benefits. We thank Him for having created and redeemed us, and given us good parents, and a wife, and beloved children, and for so often giving us Himself in the Sacrament of the Altar. But besides these powerful...

Questioning God’s First Question, Where Are You?

Do you remember God’s first question? It’s one parents often ask their children. But it is also one that has many meanings according to the context.

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Fill Our Life with Jesus Christ

Jesus is the bread of life.  Those whose life is full of him have their fill.  To go to him and to believe in him is to hunger and thirst no more. To fill their life with Jesus Christ is one of the things that missionaries are to remember (SV.EN:276). And all those,...