
Worshipers of the Father in Spirit and Truth

Jesus embodies what to worship the Father in Spirit and truth means.  Hence, we Christians are to be such worshipers. We humans can spoil everything (SV.EN XI:247. 249. 310. 313. 388; SV.EN XII]:92. 131. 139).  We spoil worship of God even, and so become false...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Walking Through Each Day with St. Vincent XI

St. Vincent told the Daughters of Charity: “Remember that when you leave meditation and Holy Mass to serve poor persons, you lose nothing…”

Our Faith Encouraged Us In Our Mission To Serve

Guidance services from a Vincentian school during this time of Pandemic.

The Spirituality of “Nouns and Adjectives”

It could be said that we are living in a culture of adjectives that forgets about the nouns that name the reality of things.  But also a culture of the insult as the first reaction to any opinion that I do not share. 

What Kind of God?

What Kind of God?

What Kind of God? (Wisdom 12:13-16; Psalm 135) I ask you to think of a particular boss in one of the jobs you’ve had over the years and also to recall the different ways in which you felt that boss regarded you. Did you feel he or she was indifferent to you, was...

Strongly Following the Ways of God

Strongly Following the Ways of God

Christ himself is the fulfillment of God’s strongly expressed intent to do something new.  Those who are one with Christ are the new creation. Jesus shows that he must suffer greatly, die and then rise.  Peter strongly disagrees and rebukes him.  But who could blame...

All our Work Consists in Action

All our Work Consists in Action

St. Vincent was fond of the classic adage, "Totum opus nostrum in operatione consistit." "All of our work consists in action." Or, again, "All our works end up in action." or, more loosely, "Action is our entire task." This applies to everyone, especially leaders....

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast

A Vincentian View: Beauty and the Beast As a child, like most of you, I heard and read the story of “Beauty and the Beast” many times. As an adult, I saw the animated Disney Movie (with Angela Lansbury beautifully singing the title song) and a Broadway version. Now,...