
The Gift and Challenge of Vincentian Imagination

We talk, perhaps too glibly, of the Vincentian charism. For a moment, I would like to reframe the conversation. Let’s talk about the Vincentian imagination!

Rejoicing In Success – Challenged To Do More

So far, 44 branches of the Vincentian Family have engaged actively in the FHA and the 13 Houses Campaign. It is now present in 44 countries; 1826 houses have been built, and 6628 people have been helped.

Playing Favorites? (James 2:1-5)

I knew a close-knit family of 5 personable children, and as they got older, they would kid their mother about having a favorite.

Catechetical Sunday – Beyond Prepping For a “Regents Exam”

This reflection started out as a reflection on Catechetical Sunday but wandered off into a reflection on the mind of Christ. I finally came full circle and thought of catechesis as helping someone put on the mind of Christ.

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Future of Marthas is ‘hope-filled’

Joanne O’Regan met her first ‘Martha’ in the late 1990s. “I remember thinking, ‘I like the way they are in the world,’” she said Wednesday of her first impression of the Antigonish-based Sisters of St. Martha. Though raised a Roman Catholic in Toronto, O’Regan hadn’t...

On Pruning Vines

On Pruning Vines

On Pruning Vines (John 15)  In his letter to the Church in Rome, St. Paul asserts, “All things work together unto good for those who love God.” (Rom. 8:28) No matter what kinds of things happen, both good and indeed bad, good will rise on the other side of it. It’s a...