
From Christ’s Mass to Merry Christmas… and Back

A visitor from outer space might be forgiven for not seeing the connection between what happened 2000 years ago and the last week of December each year.

Claims that Are Sacrilegious and Outrageous

Jesus is our Savior.  He saves us from sin and frees us from those with sacrilegious claims.  And he gives us his Holy Name. Jesus is born in Bethlehem.  And shepherds visit him, the ones that we deem the least to make claims to greatness.  But God makes known to them...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XIII

The servant of the poor must be poor himself, must suffer the hunger and the pain of the poor.

Keep Jesus Christ in Our Hearts

Jesus is the Son of God and the Brother of all men and women.  To belong to his family means to keep in the heart his teaching. Twelve-year old Jesus sits in the midst of the teachers.  He listens and asks them questions; all who hear him are amazed.  No doubt, it is...
Widening The Gate (Luke 13:22-30)

Widening The Gate (Luke 13:22-30)

One of Jesus’ more intriguing images is that of the gate, the entranceway into his Father’s Kingdom. Entrance depends in large part on the practical steps we take to build the kind of unity, accord and cooperation that reflects his Father’s world.

Directions to Get to the King of Every Nation

Home to Us and Home to Jesus Christ Also

The Word becomes flesh and makes his dwelling among us.  He wants our home to be his also, though we are slow to understand and accept him. Mary and Joseph cannot find Jesus.  He is not in the caravan.   They do not see him among the relatives and acquaintances...

Directions to Get to the King of Every Nation

Connection, Meditation and Conversation

The child Jesus lying in the manger draws us to himself.  Connecting with him truly, we cannot but have connection with others. We warm up easily to the figure of the shepherd because of its connection to Christmas.  And one can safely bet that shepherds do not lack...