
Homelessness – Our Heritage and Challenge

As we approach the feast of St. Vincent de Paul we can draw strength and be challenged by all that St. Vincent did. Many may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

Acceptance — And Ingenuity (Luke 16:1-13)

Scripture Scholars tell us that the meaning behind the word “parable” is curve, as in throwing a curve.

Do You Prefer Courtrooms or Banquet Halls?

If I asked you, I suspect most, without having any further details, would say they would rather be in a banquet setting than a court of law.

Vincentian Prayer Images: “The Colors of Charity” • 16

This series is a visual memory of the art exhibition “The Colors of Charity,” which was on exhibit from 15 December 2017 to 25 February 2018 at the Collegio Alberoni of Piacenza.

Meek Teacher, and Lowly as Well

Meek Teacher, and Lowly as Well

Jesus is meek and lowly. And he asks us to learn from him, so that we may find rest. The Gospel reading last Sunday spoke about how much it would cost to follow Jesus (Mt 10, 37-42). And the Teacher demanded complete loyalty. Even if it meant painful break with the...