
Weekly Broadcasts: #RosaryLIVE

In celebration of the Month of the Holy Rosary, Fr. Timothy Lyons, CM, and Sr. Michelle Nguyen, DC, discuss the Marian character and scriptural depth of the Rosary prayer

Seeing Beyond the Facts On the Ground

Many of us wear glasses. Others may need glasses to read. But that’s not the seeing I am asking about. I am asking how many of us see beyond the facts in front of us.

Stand Up and Go! (2 Kings, 5:14-17; Lk 17:11-19)

For all of us who have been through the pandemic, we know first-hand how disease and sickness have a way of separating us, how they can isolate and cut us off from the rest of life.

Growing Up – a Movement Becoming Aware of Itself

Have you ever watched time-lapse photography of the amazing process of a flower blooming or a moth becoming a butterfly?

Respond to More than Just Our Needs

Respond to More than Just Our Needs

Jesus is a man for others.  That is why he cannot but respond to their needs.  To be his disciple means to follow his example. The crowds do not leave Jesus alone.  They must take him for someone who is ready to respond to their needs. And those who go to Jesus do not...