
A Canadian View: What Is Good Governance?

As Vincentians our first and foremost goal is the relief of poverty across the world. We are ready to act and assist our neighbours in need in every way we can.

A Vincentian View: Out of your Mind

Has anyone ever accused you of being “out of your mind?” 

Where Would You Begin?

Today I ask you to imagine where you might expect Jesus would begin his mission and who would he choose?

Delight the Earth and Enlighten the World

Jesus is the great light that shines on those who walk in the dark.  He is the delight of those who live in the land of gloom. As God’s wisdom, Jesus rejoices in the earth and finds his delight in humans (see Prov 8, 31).  And, of course, for him to be with us also...
Hands Outstretched to the Quarantined

Hands Outstretched to the Quarantined

Jesus stretches out his hand to the quarantined, marginalized, excluded, unclean.  His followers are to stretch out their hands to them, too. The law asks quarantine for those with leprosy, though this may be no more than a skin eruption.  And others should not touch...