
Touched by an Angel

The deep desire of lay people to respond to the grief and the anguish that is presented to them and to receive joy and hope is so reflective of what St. Vincent and St. Louise began more than 400 years ago. 

The Pope Video • For Parishes

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For Parishes.

St. Blaise, Mother Seton, and Meeting Jesus in Our Physical Ailments

Mother Seton was no stranger to illness and suffering within her family. By her example and through St. Blaise’s intercession, we can place our family’s health in the Lord’s hands, confident that He will bind up our wounds.

Jesus Flips the Religious and Cultural Script

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus flips the script to show how different his mission was from what ordinary people expected.

Moments of Trial and Fall, Triumph and Grace

Moments of Trial and Fall, Triumph and Grace

Jesus is the Good News for all the moments of joy, light, sorrow and glory.  Are we his followers such Good News? Matthew’s account of the temptation of Jesus has eleven verses; Luke’s, thirteen.  But there are just two in Mark's.  The two show that Jesus spends...