
Seeing What’s There (John 9:39)

How many times have you heard people use the phrase, “I finally woke up?”

Jesus – the Ultimate Bridge Builder

Over a lifetime, we each learn the stories of where we fit and don’t fit, and who are our good and bad guys.

Vincentian Lay Missionaries – Going Forth in Synodality

At this time we are readying ourselves to take part in the GREAT VINCENTIAN MISSION OF BAJO CAUCA AND LA MOJANA SUCREÑA whose theme will be: “Baptized in the Spirit to participate in building the Reign of God.” 

Reveal or Conceal God’s True Face

Jesus’ food is to do the Father’s will and to finish his work.  He thus keeps the true religion; he cannot but reveal God’s true face. Though we believe in God, we yet can conceal, rather than reveal, the true face of God (GS 19).  And, of course, we can do so in...
Misgivings, Doubts, Questions, Darkness

Misgivings, Doubts, Questions, Darkness

Jesus was once dead, but now he lives forever and ever (Rev 1, 18).  For God raised him from the dead.  May our misgivings not lead us to deny him. It is hard to get rid of misgivings.  And misgivings can easily arise even in the hearts of the disciples. But...