
Vincent’s Trust in God’s Providence

For Vincent the only thing really mattered is to trust God’s providence.

Have a Special Place? Does It Matter?

You know the place! A place that helps you feel a sense of comfort, identity, inspiration… whatever you need at that moment!  A place where you are nourished and grow. Let’s explore why such places are important in each of our lives.

A Canadian View: A Spring Renewal

Another spring is upon us with all of its hopes for renewal, whether in our faiths, nature, sports, politics, or family.

Inside The Fold (John 10:1-10)

Preparing for this Sunday, which is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, I came across a description of the things a shepherd in Jesus’ time would do to care for his — or her — sheep.

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Jesus opens our ears and makes loose the strings of our tongues.  He enables us to make gestures that heal and speak words that proclaim God’s kingdom. Amazing magic for the sake of a deaf and mute in a place where pagans live?  If this is what Jesus’ gestures make us...

Gestures and Words That Heal and Proclaim

Fresh Start in Life for Us Men and Women

Jesus shows us the new that one has yet to see or hear or think of.  To be his disciples, we have to make a fresh start. The Pharisees and scribes ask Jesus why his disciples do not follow the tradition of the elders.  It is because the disciples eat with hands that...