
The Way, the Truth, and the Life

St. John’s University commemorated the passing of Sr. Margaret John Kelly, D.C. ’64G, ’67Ph.D., the founder and former Executive Director of the Vincentian Center for Church and Society.

Climate Change: An Update and a Response

Since starting my work as the NGO Representative for the Sisters of Charity Federation at the United Nations at the start of the year, there is a plethora of justice issues that demand our attention.

Get Up and Set Out (John 6:44, Acts 8:26-40)

This homily was preached on the occasion of the taking of Final Vows by a Vincentian seminarian, Alex Palacios, in Philadelphia, PA.

I Thought My Mom Knew Everything

As a little boy, I thought my Mom knew everything!With eyes in the back of her head, she would always catch me when I was doing something wrong!

What Does Labor Day Mean For You?

What Does Labor Day Mean For You?

Men and women may have different associations with the word “labor.” Men might think of labor in terms of a “ job.” Women might be more inclined to think of the “labor”in the context of giving birth. Today, I want to explore a deeper meaning of what we call Labor Day.

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

Delight Others, and Not Ourselves

The wisdom of God made flesh dwells with us.  He is delighted to be with us.  But he wants, first of all, to delight us. The scribes and the Pharisees time and again test Jesus.  At best, they seek to connect with him.  At worse, they set a snare for his steps.  But...