
Kindly Power that Gives Us Hope

Kindly is Jesus, slow to anger and full of mercy. He gives us the good hope for salvation, peace and security. Every cloud has a silver lining. So, it is not all bad that the devil brings evil into the world that God created good. But the kindly Son of Man does not...

Vincentian Prayer Images: Home visits à la Frederic

(We learn about those we serve)… “not from books nor from the public platform, but in climbing the stairs to the poor man’s garret, sitting by his bedside, feeling the same cold that pierces him.” Frederic Ozanam

A Call To Change (Part II)

Listen carefully … allow people to share their story … listen to people speak about their dreams and hopes … establish relationships with people.

Reflection on the Apparitions of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré

Fr. Frank Sacks, CM, shares a reflection on the Three Apparitions of Mary to St. Catherine Labouré as depicted in the art of the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia.

Not your usual dynasty builder

Fourth Sunday of Advent (B), December 21, 2014 – 2 Sam 7, 1-5. 8b-12. 14a. 16; Rom 16, 25-27; Lk 1, 26-38 To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be glory forever and ever (Rom 16, 27) Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. He comes to establish fully and definitively...

Genuine leather belt and camel hair

Third Sunday of Advent (B), December 14, 2014 – Is 61, 1-2a. 10-11; 1 Thes 5, 16-24; Jn 1, 6-8. 19-28 Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thes 5, 19) With God at our side, we shall never be shaken. He is the eternal reality, the solid truth, which affords us full security....

Vincentian leaders empower – Do you?

Vincentian leaders empower – Do you?

Vincent energized and empowered others to support his vision for organized charity to the poor. The real strength of a leader is the ability to elicit the strength of a group. This is the acid test of servant leadership. Therein lies a question for us.

Late then, late now?

Second Sunday of Advent (B), December 7, 2014 – Is 40, 1-5. 9-11; 2 Pt 3, 8-14; Mk 1, 1-8 Hastening the coming of the day of God (2 Pt 3, 12) The Good News is, by definition, new. But it is also ancient; in the beginning it was with God. The Good News begins with the...