Kindly Power that Gives Us Hope
Kindly is Jesus, slow to anger and full of mercy. He gives us the good hope for salvation, peace and security.
Every cloud has a silver lining. So, it is not all bad that the devil brings evil into the world that God created good. But the kindly Son of Man does not worry too much. For he knows before St. Paul that everything works for his good, since he loves God (Rom 8, 28).
And the havoc that the devil wreaks is a chance for something better. For it is due to this that the just and mighty God shows that he is kindly, meek and mild. And happy fault of Adam since because of it Jesus is here with us. He is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Heb 2, 11). Nor to have forbears who are not beyond blame.
In the same way does Jesus’ grace, love, turn up also. For as sin mushrooms, it gives way to grace; love redresses wrongdoing and makes up for what is missing.
And the one who is the brightness of God’s glory gives us light also. In this way, then, the Son shows us the Father’s distinctive trait, and makes us catch it.
To be kindly, wise, forbearing and patient is the Father’s distinctive trait. And we give ourselves to such Just Power. In spite, or to say it better, because, of our being small, weak and little. For we would run away from a God who abuses power and boasts of it.
The proof of power is in the kindly deed in behalf of the neighbor that God puts in our way.
But it is also due to our being small, weak and little that the kindly God helps us. And he even associates his kingdom with what is small and little.
No, what we are does not matter. For the only one that counts is “I am who am.” That is why God is not like those who claim they are almighty. They brag, “I and no one else” (Is 47, 8. 10) and are cruel. That is how they hide their being not sure of themselves.
And it is not always striking how we make it known that we follow the one that shows us the kindly God. A warm smile, a sweet gesture, a good word or a kindly deed is enough (SV.EN X:268). Or a hug for a grandson who asks, “How long will COVID-19 last?” For all this may well be part of the small and little that make up the start of the unstoppable kingdom of God.
Lord Jesus, may we make it a habit not to be harsh, but be patient. And grant that we be faithful in small and little things, so that we may be faithful in big and great things. May our sharing in your Meal make for a life of virtue, and of kindly and full commitment.
19 July 2020
16th Sunday in O.T. (A)
Wis 12, 13. 16-19; Rom 8, 26-27; Mt 13, 24-43