News from the International Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
The International Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has published the following news items:
1. Redesign of the international web page
The SSVP has done an excellent work in redesigning the appearance and the content of its international web page. Click on the following box to read more information:
The following video introduces our followers to the primary changes that were made on the webpage:
2. The General Council of the SSVP celebrates its 181st anniversary
During a meeting on July 15, 1839, the leaders of the SSVP approved the creation of a “General Council”. Their decision was approved during the General Assembly of July 21, 1839. Click on the box below for more information:
3. International General Council of the SSVP holds virtual meeting
On July 15, for the first time in its history, the International General Council held a virtual meeting. This meeting was led by Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th General President. Click on the box below for more information:
First Video Conferencing Conducted by the SSVP’s Council General’s Board
4. The General President has begun to solicit suggestions for the 2021 Circular Letter
Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th General President of SSVP, has begun to edit the Circular Letter for next year which will be published on January 31, 2021. He stated “I hope to receive many suggestions, ideas and comments that will enrich the content of this document.” Click on the box below for more information:
The President General takes up suggestions regarding the 2021 Circular Letter
5. New deadline for submission of essays to the International Literary Contest dedicated to Félix Clavé
The International General Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has decided to extend the deadline to August 24, 2020 for submitting essays to the Literary Contest dedicated to Félix Clavé. Click on the box below for more information: