
That “Other” Virus

I am not aware of anyone writing about the impact of Zooming on the Vincentian Charism. I offer this “Mindwalk” as personal reflections.

Good News From a Homeless Student!

“The Dax Program was life-changing for me. I would have never been able to finish at DePaul had it not been for Dax.”

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #9: Affective and effective solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic

I had not settled into my new missionary appointment when I was confronted with a series of restrictions, confinement, fear and uncertainty.

Broadening The Frame (Matthew 15:21-8)

An important element in this nurturing is what could be described as a frame, the boundaries through which they have been taught to look out at the world.

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and  Depaul USA

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Depaul USA

Ladies of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Depaul USA Members of the Little Rock, Arkansas Ladies of Charity have recently begun supporting the Jericho Way Center of Depaul USA. The facility opened a few months ago under the direction of Sr. Elizabeth Greim, DC, as a...

Pat Griffin CM – A Free Spirit

Pat Griffin CM – A Free Spirit

And so, the Spirit is free. From the view of that Spirit, “liberal” and “conservative” must and do tend in the same direction. As persons consecrated by that divine presence, we pray for her outpouring in our lives and ministries as Pentecost comes upon us.

A Vincentian Response to Baltimore

A Vincentian Response to Baltimore

The “haves” must discover that all of the “have not’s” are not cheats and lazy. The “have not’s” must realize that the “haves” are not all greedy, uncaring people. The only way to do that in any lasting way is to treat the problem in a slightly larger way than our current model…bring hope to one zip code at a time.