
A Refresher Course – Homelessness and the Vincentian Family

A refresher course about the Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance – What is the Famvin Homeless Alliance? Its Roots – Collaborative work of the Vincentian Family 400 Years Ago – Updates

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #10: Young Men Walk Again

Keeping in contact with friends and family has been key to being mentally well during this time of pandemic.

A Vincentian View: Transforming not Conforming

Paul’s guidance confronts me.  I desire to heed his advice, but I feel the challenge and see the obstacles.  Like much of Paul’s advice, no easy response presents itself.

Our Father – A Radical Prayer?

The kingdom is waking up to being sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters to one another. In a polarized world what could be a more radical change in consciousness?