
How Did St. Vincent Help the Homeless of His Day

You may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

Sustainable Development Goals, 9 and 10

Learning about the SDGs and understanding their significance is an important first step as together, creatively, we search for the most effective ways to advocate for these aspects of social justice.

A Vincentian View: Mary’s Lessons on Joseph

Mary knew Joseph.  As we are attentive to her, we learn about the one who stood beside her for much of her life. 

A Daring Prudence – Systemic Change

“… create a Family that looks to the past for inspiration, but is also eager to create a vibrant innovative collaborative future in the service of the most abandoned.” Fr. Robert Maloney

Heavenly Gaze

Heavenly Gaze

A scene setter. You’re out in the cold night fields, keeping close watch over your flock. And suddenly this light is shining at you and all around you. From out of this radiance a voice of an angel sings out news about the infant in swaddling clothes lying in a...

Chosen and Appointed to Bear Lasting Fruit

Chosen and Appointed to Bear Lasting Fruit

Jesus is the one who has chosen and appointed us to bear fruit. Jesus’ chosen way breaks the mold.  Unlike the religious leaders who are settled in Jerusalem, he withdraws to Galilee. His withdrawal to Galilee shows his courage.  He has chosen not to turn back as...