

I had the distinct honor and privilege to be at a meeting of MISEVI International at the Motherhouse in Paris in early February.

A Vincentian Minute: Virtue from the inside out– Simplicity

In a five-part series, Fr. Aidan R. Rooney, C.M. invites us to examine how we live the virtues as self-examination. This week: am I simple with myself?

Lenten Video Series, Day 4: Called to Give

When fully practicing our faith, there are no half-measures. Phil Tran explains that we can only truly understand joy through sacrifice and unity with Christ.

Lenten Video Series, Day 3: A New Foundation

For Kasey Brown, the concept of “giving something up” for Lent went from being a casual observation of tradition to a life-changing spiritual rebirth that strengthened the foundation of her love for God.

Wholeness and Unity of the Body of Christ

Wholeness and Unity of the Body of Christ

Jesus gives spiritual gifts to us who gather in his name.  He expects us to keep the wholeness and unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Right after Adam and Eve have given in to the serpent’s temptation, their personal wholeness starts to erode.  For they no...

A Vincentian View: Listen

A Vincentian View: Listen

A Vincentian View: “Listen” When we look at our current political climate, everyone knows that there is something amiss.  Sometimes people describe it as a lack of civil discourse. I believe that. The reasoning given is that people have forgotten how to speak to one...