Movie documentary: "Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint"

September 23, 2018

Movie documentary: “Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint”

by | Sep 23, 2018 | Formation | 1 comment

The Vincentian Studies Institute of DePaul University created a wonderful documentary about Saint Vincent and Saint Louise: Vincent de Paul: Charity’s Saint. If you have not seen it, or have not seen it in a while, take some time this week to enjoy the full-length movie, available on YouTube (see below).

1 Comment

  1. james e claffey

    I just watched “Charity’s Saint” today, September 27th, as a way to celebrate the feast. It felt like a mini-retreat, beautifully done, totally engaging, and left me with the “Vincentian question” once again: what must be done. Thanks so much to all involved in making this film! Jim Claffey

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