Visit of Father Tomaž Mavrič to Colombia

Vincentian Family Office
September 24, 2018

Visit of Father Tomaž Mavrič to Colombia

by | Sep 24, 2018 | News, Vincentian Family

As a messenger of peace, fidelity and joy, on July 2, Father Tomaž Mavric, Superior General of the Vincentian Family, arrived to our beloved Province of the Miraculous with a greeting of welcome and the hymn of Saint Vincent de Paul, the Daughters of Charity together with Father Luis Alfonso Sterling, Provincial Director, we received with joy the successor of Saint Vincent de Paul.

With a firm step, he visited the Casa “Sor Clemencia Rengifo,” the rosebush of the Province, as we call the house of Elder Sisters. With a fraternal greeting from Sister Margaret and an exchange of words full of fraternity, the sisters — who joyfully were waiting him — received the Father General. It was a moment to share the joy of the fidelity of the sisters who for years served with love to the poorest, as Saint Vincent and Saint Louise left us as a rule of life: “Our Masters and Lords.” What a joy it is to have the successor of St. Vincent at home and be able to hear his words of encouragement and a “thank you for the gift of fidelity of our sisters who left their lives in service to Christ in the poor!”

After sharing a delicious snack in the rosebush of the Province, we went to the Provincial House Theater, a place that housed a good number of Daughters of Charity, Postulants, Prepostulants and Aspiring that, with joy, received Father Tomaz with the Hymn of the 400 years of the Charism: “Please, come in.” It was the moment for the words of Sr. Nubia Quintero, Provincial Visitatrix, in which she expressed her gratitude for the visit, and entrusted to her prayers the intentions of the Province.

We continue to celebrate with the joy that characterizes the consecrated by means of a small and significant cultural act, with the most representative of the folklore of Colombia and Venezuela.

After a well-deserved lunch and rest, at 2:00 pm the Vincentian Family received Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, in the theater of the Provincial House; some projects that the FAMVIN has in the province were shared through a presentation and a video about the celebration of the 400 years of the Vincentian Charism in the world.

The participants in the meeting with Father Tomaž asked him some questions in order to know the life of the Vincentian Family worldwide. One theme that was present throughout his visit was the “Vincentian Film Festival,” inviting the entire Vincentian Family to make a short film about the mission we have in the Church in favor of the poor.

The Eucharist was presided over by Father Tomaž Mavrič and concelebrated by priests Orlando Escobar, outgoing Visitor, Luis Alfonso Sterling, Provincial Director, Humberto Aristizábal, Provincial Counselor, Christian Cataño, Vocation Ministry Superior, Alcides Ruda, Gonzalo Corva and Jhon Alexander Páez, animated by the young people of the Vincentian Youth Volunteer.

His reflection in the homily focused on three significant words for the Vincentian Family “identity, prophetism and following,” it was a moment of listening to the words of St. Vincent at the beginning of the Company and that today are addressed them to the whole Vincentian Family through Father Tomaž Mavrič: “The Lord has specifically called us to be with the poor and for the poor, recognizing their humanity and their value as persons and children of God, building with them the reign of justice and love. This is our identity” (taken from the homily of Father Tomaž Mavrič to the Vincentian Family). The invitation continues to be for the whole Family, in order to join forces in the service of Christ in the Poor. It depends on us that many of those who suffer have a decent life.

At the end of this day, a photoshoot and a well-deserved snack for all the attendants of the Branches of the Vincentian Family; the School of Music of the children of Arabia, enlivened this moment with a repertoire of Colombian Music.

Thank you, Father Tomaž Mavrič, for being present in the walk of the Province of La Milagrosa and especially for the closeness and simplicity in his words and gestures of affection for each of the attendees to this day.

Tags: Colombia


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