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New Wine, New Wineskins

We have a new baby in our family.  Jacob is just two weeks old, and he has captured me in a surprising way.  Why am I so surprised? 

Leave God for God

What meaning does this have for MISEVI today as we prepare for an Extraordinary Assembly in Bogota, Colombia in April of this year?  How are we called to “leave God for God?”

Vincentian Lay Missionaries – Going Forth in Synodality

At this time we are readying ourselves to take part in the GREAT VINCENTIAN MISSION OF BAJO CAUCA AND LA MOJANA SUCREÑA whose theme will be: “Baptized in the Spirit to participate in building the Reign of God.” 

SSVP Medellin Celebrates 140 years of its Foundation

To celebrate the 140 years of services rendered by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) in the City of Medellin (Colombia), a “National Vincentian Meeting” was held from September 23 to 25.