
Five Faces of Mary

Father Robert Maloney, C.M. writes: “I offer these five Marian faces as a way of reflecting on the rich, varied tradition surrounding the Virgin Mary.”

Are Christians “Woke”… Or “Waking Up”?

Today we increasingly hear about being “woke.” In this Vincentian Mindwalk I will try to move beyond any narrow political meanings.

When Reality Hits “home”!

Mark Horvath has been trying to bring home the reality of homelessness for real people who are homeless.

International Migration Review Forum

The first International Migration Review Forum is taking place now, at the United Nations in New York.

Let Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Be Your Companion This Year

Let Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Be Your Companion This Year

Looking for a role model to inspire your New Year’s resolutions? Who better than St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, America’s first native-born Saint, whose feast day falls on January 4. She overcame the same obstacles we struggle with in our own lives. A friend we can identify with is one we are more likely to emulate.

Mystery of God Hidden in Plain Sight

Mystery of God Hidden in Plain Sight

Jesus reveals that God, whom no one has ever seen, is love.  Those without love, then, do not know God nor, much less, the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Without doubt, Jesus is God’s last word to us human beings.  He is the mystery of God and in him are hidden all...

The Reminding Spirit (John, 14)

The Reminding Spirit (John, 14)

Recently I was speaking to a woman about a surprising experience she had while going through one of her favorite books-- 20 years after she read it the first time. Expecting it to be repetitious, she was struck by how new so much of it seemed, almost as if she were...