
A Missionary Christmas Story for Advent Reflection

Reflection on this story from my past history as a missionary has helped me to grasp more fully the understanding of Advent as the great mystery which leads us to the celebration of the Incarnation of Christ at Christmas. By Fr. Gregory Gay, C.M.

Should You Rethink How You Think?

Sometimes it seems that everybody wants to change our way of thinking. That has probably always been true. But it certainly feels truer now in our polarized times.

Advent Reflections (Day 20)

Our Advent series examines the virtue of gentleness through daily reflections from the book “Seasons in Spirituality” by Fr. Robert Maloney, C.M.

How Do You “Encounter” a Person Who Is Homeless?

But you shouldn’t build up “talking to a homeless person” in your mind as something that’s vastly different from talking to any other kind of person.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #8: Focus on Important Things and Put Aside Those that are Merely Accessories

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, #8: Focus on Important Things and Put Aside Those that are Merely Accessories

During this pandemic, we are learning not to lose sight of the risks and our absolute dependence on God, to make the most of each day that we live, and that we use these days to share more love with our family members as well as those outside our family circle … to dispense with which is not important.

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus has the key to the kingdom.  He is God’s Servant who comes to serve, to open and close.  He gives to those who are his own the keys of service. It looks like Peter knows quite well what people say about Jesus.  But he does not go where they are, for he says that...