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A Vincentian View: A Sacred Heart

Pope Francis’ most recent encyclical (Dilexit nos, “He Loved us,” October 2024) finds a welcome place in our Vincentian reflections. 

House-lessness vs Home-lessness?

I knew I needed to explore the distinction between houselessness and homelessness.

Contemplation: When Will That Day Come?

Human formation is not a passive process but an active and ongoing journey that encompasses our human, spiritual, intellectual, and ministerial dimensions. Through prayer, service, and community, we seek to fulfill God’s purpose and strive for perfection in unity with Him.

Accuse Those Who Are Not of the Truth

Jesus witnesses to the truth that sets us free. Those who are of the truth are forgiven of every sin they can accuse themselves of.  The Jews, who consider Jesus an enemy, bring him to the praetorium. But they do not go in, so that they may stay clean to eat the...
Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Proclaim that Jesus Is the Christ

Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed.  And we proclaim this, of course, one with Peter and all the Church. Peter gets to proclaim that Jesus is the Christ.  And the latter tells his disciples right away to speak about it to no one.  He then teaches them that...