Accuse Those Who Are Not of the Truth

Ross Reyes Dizon
November 19, 2024

Accuse Those Who Are Not of the Truth

by | Nov 19, 2024 | Formation, Reflections

Jesus witnesses to the truth that sets us free. Those who are of the truth are forgiven of every sin they can accuse themselves of. 

The Jews, who consider Jesus an enemy, bring him to the praetorium. But they do not go in, so that they may stay clean to eat the Passover meal.  Since they keep the law in that way, no one can accuse them of not being ritually clean. Yet they are quick to lead the Lamb of God, who has no guilt, to the slaughter.

So, Pilate comes out to them and asks what they want to accuse Jesus of.  And as they answer, they make sure to let Pilate know that his question is not necessary. For they have made up their minds that Jesus is guilty of a crime. They are not there to accuse him, but to ask Pilate to condemn him to die on the cross.

And so, Pilate hears what they are there for, and he goes back to the praetorium to question Jesus. It is clear there is no one there to accuse and question but Jesus. But the accused also shows in some way that he is at the same time the accuser. For he says that his kingdom is not of this world. And to say so is to accuse, yes, the rulers of this world who lord it over those who are under them and oppress them.

To accuse those who are not of the truth 

No, there is no way Christ the king can side with what is not right in our world. And so, he does not seek power to boss around others, or money to become great. And rather than being served, he serves. On top of this, he gives up his body and sheds his blood for others. His being and life, his birth and coming, all this has for its goal to give witness to the truth: the truth of a God who wants a world more fit for all his sons and daughters.

That Christ’s kingdom is not of this world does not mean, then, that we are not to correct what we see is wrong with this world. He will accuse us if we do nothing and just wait for things to get fixed in the next life.

Lord Jesus, help us let go of the desire to play the boss or master (SV.EN XI:313). May no one get to accuse us of being authoritarian, dogmatic, and of turning the truth into propaganda. And make us give true witness to the truth like you, not to fight wars in the name of the truth.

24 November 2024
34th Sunday in O.T. (B) – Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Dn 7, 13-14; Rev 1, 5-8; Jn 18, 33b-37


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