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Ross Reyes Dizon

Small Things that Make for the Big Things

Jesus is the one who makes God known.  And this God chooses the small things and folks, so that all glory may just be his.  He chooses Bethlehem-Ephrathah and Galilee, Nazareth, in concrete.  And we read that Bethlehem is too small to be a clan of Judah.  Galilee, for...

What Should We Do to Attain Joy and Peace?

Jesus makes known to us his joy and his peace.  Hence, it is enough for us to go to him to get an answer to the question, “What should we do?” We can thus be full of his joy and his peace. It seems that the one who calls folks to repent and be baptized touches their...

Concern for Others that All Must See

Jesus is God’s concern for us in person.  So, it is right that Paul asks us Christians to let all see our concern for others.  The prophet Baruch and the prophet Isaiah proclaim God’s concern for us, though not in an express way.  For the first reading and Is 40, 1-5...

Stand before Jesus, the Son of Man

Jesus brings light to those who dwell in the dark and in the shadow of death. He gives strength to those who ask him for it. In that way, they can escape the troubles that are coming upon them and stand before him.

What Should We Do to Attain Joy and Peace?

Accuse Those Who Are Not of the Truth

Jesus witnesses to the truth that sets us free. Those who are of the truth are forgiven of every sin they can accuse themselves of.  The Jews, who consider Jesus an enemy, bring him to the praetorium. But they do not go in, so that they may stay clean to eat the...

What Should We Do to Attain Joy and Peace?

Mysteries of Joy, Light, Sorrow, Glory

Jesus is the greatest mystery of all the mysteries God makes known to those who are like children and hides from the wise and the learned. Jesus’ predictions of his passion, death and resurrection are “mysteries,” so to speak, to them.  That is to say, they do not...

What Should We Do to Attain Joy and Peace?

Warn the Wealthy and Self-Satisfied

Jesus, God’s wise and sharp word, is worth more than gold and silver.  He judges what the heart thinks of and what it wants to do.  He also serves to warn the wealthy and self-satisfied of the risks they run. A man who seems to be in dire need of an answer kneels down...