
St. Louise de Marillac: Faith experienced through love

Louise de Marillac moved from an individual faith to the more universal faith of a Daughter of Charity.

Have a Special Place? Does It Matter?

You know the place! A place that helps you feel a sense of comfort, identity, inspiration… whatever you need at that moment!  A place where you are nourished and grow. Let’s explore why such places are important in each of our lives.

A Canadian View: A Spring Renewal

Another spring is upon us with all of its hopes for renewal, whether in our faiths, nature, sports, politics, or family.

Inside The Fold (John 10:1-10)

Preparing for this Sunday, which is often called Good Shepherd Sunday, I came across a description of the things a shepherd in Jesus’ time would do to care for his — or her — sheep.

Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Rumors, No; Intimate Knowledge, Yes

Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed.  To know and confess him so is to go beyond rumors; it is to live and die like him. There are rumors that Jesus is John the Baptist who is back to life.  Or is Elijah who is expected to come before the Day of the Lord...