“Saint Vincent de Paul: a mystic of charity” … reflection by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell
The meeting of the leaders of the Vincentian Family will take place (in a virtual manner) on September 16 and 17.
For this occasion, we have prepared a video on “Saint Vincent as a mystic of charity” … a reflection offered by Fr. Hugh O’Donnell, CM. This video is available for all the members of the Vincentian Family and you will find his presentation in 9 languages at the links listed below:
- English: Saint Vincent as a Mystic of Charity https://vinflix.net/vm_en/
- Español: San Vicente como místico de la caridad https://vinflix.net/vm_es/
- Français: Saint Vincent, mystique de la Charité https://vinflix.net/vm_fr/
- Português: São Vicente como Místico da Caridade https://vinflix.net/vm_pt/
- Italiano: S. Vincenzo come mistico della carità https://vinflix.net/vm_it/
- Deutsch: Der heilige Vinzenz als Mystiker der Nächstenliebe https://vinflix.net/vm_de/
- Nederlands: Sint Vincent als mysticus van liefde https://vinflix.net/vm_nl/
- 中国人 : 圣文生,仁爱的奥秘灵修者 https://vinflix.net/vm_cn/
- Bahasa Indonesia: St. Vinsensius, Sebuah Mistik Cinta Kasih https://vinflix.net/vm_id/
More information about the encounter:
Virtual Meeting of Vincentian Family Leaders, September 16-17, 2021