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Vincentian Family Office

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Italy and 38 Other Associations Condemn the Possession of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction, therefore, as such, ethically unacceptable, as Pope Francis also recalled during his apostolic journey to Japan.

Despite COVID-19, children in need continue to be assisted in Cuba

The project on behalf of children at a social disadvantage, “27 pieces of bread from the Miraculous Mother”, came into existence on June 3, 2016.

July 4: Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s International Youth Day

This year, the theme of the SSVP’s International Youth Day is “Young Vincentians celebrating the joy of service through social friendship,” inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti.

Interview with Mark McGreevy OBE, Depaul Group CEO

Enjoy this interview with Mark McGreevy, CEO of Depaul Group

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

Knowing the need for deeper collaboration among Vincentian Family groups in Taiwan, the Congregation of the Mission Chinese Province organized a workshop for Vincentian collaboration last week, May 16-19, 2016 . Ms. Pamela Mantuhac, a member of the design-team of...