Javier F. Chento


Javier es laico vicenciano, afiliado a la Congregación de la Misión y miembro de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl en España.
Vincentian Collaboration in Europe

Vincentian Collaboration in Europe

During the months of April and May 2018, Father Joseph Agostino, CM, international coordinator of the Vincentian Family Office in Philadelphia, USA, is crisscrossing Europe to meet with members of the various branches of the Vincentian Family. Journey through Europe...

International Bulletin of the VMY for April

International Bulletin of the VMY for April

Vincentian Marian Youth, from its International office, publishes bimonthly a digital bulletin in four languages (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese), of interest not only for the members of its members, but for the entire Vincentian Family. You can read last...