How the SVDP moves toward Systemic change

How does the Society of St. Vincent de Paul achieve Systemic Change?

Gifts of the Trinity – Adventure of Faith – Our Lenten Journey – Tap into our Youth

Gifts of the Trinity – Adventure of Faith – Our Lenten Journey – Tap into our Youth

Vincentian commitment to life and dignity of every person

Vincentian Commiment to life and dignity of every person

Prayer for Vincentian Family captives in Syria

Join the multitudes on prayer on Friday March 13, for peace and especially for the captives of Vincentian families in Syria.

Embracing (Systemic) Change – Tyranny of the moment

Embracing (Systemic) Change – Tyranny of the moment

Gary Stevens, National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul writes the following report “Embracing (Systemic) Change” based on his experience recent workshop held by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. One of insights that I gained was that it is hard for many people in poverty to move out of it when they are constantly dealing with one crisis after another (living in the “tyranny of the moment”).