
What most do not know about the new Vincentian Cardinal

“Despite the horrors of prison and solitary confinement, I found it transformative. It led to a spiritual rebirth for me. I had nothing, literally nothing, in solitary, so I cried out to the Lord from the depths of my being. I truly felt the presence of Jesus in those dark days.”

Catholic News Service profiles Vincentian Cardinal

He was among those whowrote to U.S. President Barack Obama urging him to adopt a strong “position and full pledge on sound climate change policy.”

Vincentian Cardinal – no need for power structure

New Vincentian Cardinal – no need for power structure

New Vincentian Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel (Ethiopia)

New Vincentian – Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel (Ethiopia)

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