New York

Twenty-six Catholic sisters in a Jewish Nursing Home?

Can twenty six Catholic sisters in a Jewish Nursing Home find happiness? I personally never thought this would be something I would ever ask, much less find and answer to.

Sisters of Charity Halifax – 90 years in New York

Sisters of Charity Halifax – 90 years in New York – This memorial booklet is not a history of the Sisters of Charity-Halifax in New York so much as a attempt to give you a sketch of the Sisters as they became part of New York’s history.

Ladies of Charity in action – Videos on their website

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much more a video showing the Ladies of Charity USA in action in the new LCUSA video section they have added to their website.

“Living Lives of Love – Now in our 3rd century”

“Living Lives of Love – Now in our 3rd century” tells a story that has roots over 200 years ago. But recently the Sisters of Charity have started sharing that story in a new way in this digital age with a revised website under banner Living Lives of Love.

NCR celebrates a Sister of Charity of NY

"Sister's legacy includes 43 years of mission medical care" writes the NCR. “Heaven has gained another saint, right up there with Mother Teresa of Calcutta.” – Father Mike Savelesky Large crowds of native people, two funeral Masses, continuous rosaries, and a two-mile...