Vincentian Lay Missionaries MISEVI

A Vincentian Heart

An Interview with Gina Paredes from the Dominican Republic

An Extraordinary Assembly

Some words that come to mind to describe our experience of the assembly:  enlivening, challenging, engaging, hospitable, surprising, interesting, fulfilling, energizing, necessary, healing, messy, faithful, providential, joyful, prayerful, synodal. 

MISEVI Extraordinary Assembly:  An Easter Reflection

Resurrection!  What a beautiful aspect of our Church, that every year, we reflect on Jesus’ resurrection and have the opportunity to recognize our own daily resurrections.

New Wine, New Wineskins

We have a new baby in our family.  Jacob is just two weeks old, and he has captured me in a surprising way.  Why am I so surprised? 

An Extraordinary Assembly

An Extraordinary Assembly

Some words that come to mind to describe our experience of the assembly:  enlivening, challenging, engaging, hospitable, surprising, interesting, fulfilling, energizing, necessary, healing, messy, faithful, providential, joyful, prayerful, synodal.