
Broadening The Frame (Matthew 15:21-8)

An important element in this nurturing is what could be described as a frame, the boundaries through which they have been taught to look out at the world.

Not Enough (Is 55; Rom 8:39; Mt 14:13-21)

An often-heard question: “Is there enough to go around?” Sometimes asked out of kindness, it can also arise out of fear.

Receiving Communion (Mt 10:40, Lk 10:16; Jn 13:20)

After impressing on the disciples who he is and what he stands for, he declares, “whoever receives you receives me.”

Facial Recognition (Ps 145; Matthew 11:28-30)

Among the many obstacles thrown up at us in this time of Covid virus is “facial confusion,” the difficulty in reading the mood and disposition of the person talking to me from behind the mask.

The Way – Christian Code

The Way – Christian Code

Fr. Tom McKenna offers a reflection entitled A Christian Code: The Way                   (Mk 10: 46-52; Jeremiah 31:7-9) In one place or other, most all of us have come across the phrase “code word.” It means some word or phrase that at first seems unimportant, but if...

How do we define ourselves

How do we define ourselves

Fr. Tom McKenna  reflects on The Rich Young Man   (Mk. 10:17-22) and how we define ourselves in an essay “I …, Therefore I Am” “I …, Therefore I Am” In a philosophy class, a teacher asked, “What is your cogito?” I thought he meant some bone or other body part -- but...

The Way – Christian Code

The Encounter Space – Fr. Tom McKenna

In The Encounter Space (Ephesians 2; Luke 6) Fr. Tom McKenna offers this reflection on the space where encounter takes place. Judging from some of Paul’s favorite imagery, he would have lined up closely behind one of Pope Francis’ favorite metaphors, “encounter,”...

The Way – Christian Code

The God Who Gives Life to All Things

The God Who Gives Life to All Things (1 Timothy, 6:13) New events have a way of opening up doors to riches in the Christian tradition not quite realized before. There’s a line in Timothy’s letter today which gives one instance this process at work, in this case the...

The gift of meaning – T.McKenna

The gift of meaning – T.McKenna

The Gift of Meaning (Lk 10:17ff) from a retreat reflection presented to the Daughters of Charity in Los Altos, California. Have you ever come across people who tell you that life for them has little or no meaning -- or even have you yourself gone through times when...