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Flying Geese, Fighter Pilots and Ministry

The next time you watch a flock of geese, pause for a moment — think about what they can teach us about ministry in general and, especially, “long-haul” ministries of systemic change.

Seton Service and Leadership Program

Want a Vincentian experience in college? Want it for your kids? Community? Belonging? Service? Advocacy? Faith? and in a Vincentian environment? Get to know another of our great Vincentian institutions of higher education. The Seton Service and Leadership Program at...

A Story of Organic Leadership

What do you see as the qualities of good leaders? Integrity and honesty - never compromise these. They have a passion for success, wanting to be competitive and come out on top. They have compassion for their people, getting to know them and their families. Great...

Vincentian leaders empower others

Vincent was adept at helping his followers realize their potential. He empowered them by sharing his knowledge and resources, inspiring them through mission, and giving them opportunities to lead organizations he helped to create.

All our Work Consists in Action

All our Work Consists in Action

St. Vincent was fond of the classic adage, "Totum opus nostrum in operatione consistit." "All of our work consists in action." Or, again, "All our works end up in action." or, more loosely, "Action is our entire task." This applies to everyone, especially leaders....

Where Are the Young Leaders?

Where Are the Young Leaders?

The young leaders are here! Meet Remberth Alonso Falla Zuloeta, of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Perú. He's been a local conference leader, a national formator, and now is a member of the team of the Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program, promoting...