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A Call to Collective Impact and Thorough Formation #famvin400

Systemic change has got a "big sister" called collective impact. You've read about it often on .famvin. And formation -- history and spirituality -- well, you know, it's just our thing! The Vincentian Family at Rome was privileged to hear Vincentian Fr. Dennis...

We need to work smarter

The poor deserve more than good-hearted amateurs.   They deserve experts.

“Charism Formation” vs. Empowerment Programs

Fr. Dennis Holtschneider maintains the answer is not informational charism programs but empowerment of the laity.

Holtschneider Appointed Leader in the Healthcare Industry

from Depaul Newsline Ascension, the nation's largest non-profit healthcare organization, has named the Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, C.M. as its executive vice president and chief operations officer. Fr. Holtschneider will assume his new role on July 1, following 13...
NLRB, DePaul University, unionization religious freedom

Being Authentically Catholic and Vincentian Fr. Dennis Holtschneider, CM asks "Every generation has to think about the mission and purpose of the are we most authentically Vincentian carrying on the mission that Vincent began?" This is the question that every branch...

The voice of the poor – ten years later

The voice of the poor – ten years later

Recently 100 Christian leaders called on presidential candidates to declare themselves on issues encompassed by the "Circle of Compassion". Way back in 2005 Fr. Dennis Holtschneider CM proposed that the Vincentian Family become, in effect, lobbyists for those who have...