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.famvin on Telegram

Telegram is a free communication tool available for most electronic devices and platforms, including Android & Apple tablets and smartphones, and also PC, Mac and Linux desktop operating systems. Thanks to this application, you can connect with people (regardless...

Feed yourself with “Feedly”

The Vincentian Family is all over the web. Simply browsing all .famvin has to offer can take days. So, you're a busy person, and it can be tough to keep up. But our sites (, vinformation, etc.) produce a helpful little thing called RSS. Here's the simplest...

Would a Missionary give up Swahili (Facebook) for Lent?

What’s the first thing a missionary does? Learn the language. This is the language of the world we live. I’m sorry if you don’t like it. You could go “okay, I don’t like Swahili.”

Sisters of Charity – praying across continents!

Sisters of Charity – praying across continents illustrate prayer and community without borders