
Be a Sign – Everyday Formation

Be a Sign - Everyday Formation – Vincentian Prayer - Vincentian’s Clean Heart Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Be a Sign - We, as Vincentians are a sign to others.  We do not have to preach, but we must be the sign.  Called as Vincentians we...

Our Journey – God our BFF

Our Journey – God our BFF – Created to be Like Christ – How do we Grow?  Vincentian Day of Prayer & Fast – Tuesday, June 28, 2016 Blessings my dear Vincentian Family:  Make a difference today.  Smile always.  I teach the kids a smile is a prayer from God and they...

Know and Show Mercy Joyfully

Know and Show Mercy Joyfully – Be Still in Silence - Our Lady Knows – Vincentian Love is Justice Vincentian Day of Pray and Fast - Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Know and Show Mercy Joyfully – Be present to those we serve and be joyful.  Think of yourself in their place and...

What is God Telling You?

What God is Telling You - Pain and Suffering - Guided by the Holy Spirit – Mending a Broken Heart Vincentian Day of Fast and Prayer – Tuesday, June 14, 2016 What God is Telling You - What has He been saying to you?  Sometimes we think we hear the message, but are...